Control of Communicable Diseases

  • Your child's health is important to me. Hygiene and good health habits are encouraged and emphasized throughout the year. Please call me whenever you are not certain about sending your child to school. 桃花社区视频 is no place for a sick child. The learning process is compromised, and other students and staff are placed at a potential risk by exposure to that child's illness. Students should not come to school if they are experiencing a fever of 100 degrees F or higher, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, deep cough or a communicable disease such as strep throat, impetigo or conjunctivitis. (Please refer to the table in Nursing Services section)  First aid and medical care provided by the school nurse are primarily for sudden illnesses, chronic health conditions, an injury that occurs during the school day, or for treatment as directed by the family physician.


    When should my child stay home or be dismissed and when can they come back to school?



    Student can come back to school when...


    Temperature of 100 or higher

    Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication


    Within the past 24 hours

    Free from vomiting for 24 hours and able to eat at least 2 solid meals


    Within the past 24 hours

    Free from diarrhea for at least 24 hours


    Body rash with itching or fever

    Free from rash, itching, and/or fever. Has been evaluated by a doctor if necessary

    Head Lice

    Itchy head/active head lice

    Treated with appropriate lice treatment at home

    Eye Infection

    Redness, itching, and/or "crusty" drainage from eye

    Evaluated by doctor and has note to return to school

    Hospital Visit

    Hospital stay and/or ER visit

    Released by medical provider to return to school