桃花社区视频 Information

  • Welcome

    Welcome to another wonderful school year at Amherst Street 桃花社区视频! We are so excited to see familiar faces and meet new friends and families. If you ever have a question or a concern, never hesitate to contact us here at school. We are here to make this a fantastic school year for your child. I would also encourage you to be involved in the school by volunteering your time with us. Children do better in school when their parents are actively involved in their education. 

    Important Reminders for a 桃花社区视频ful 桃花社区视频 Year

    SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:15 A.M. SHARP! Please help us by getting your child or children to school on time. If your child will be absent, please make sure that you call the office at 603-966-1700.
    We have an answering machine on our phone line from 3:15 PM to 7:15AM. If your child is going to be absent, please give us a call. If your child is marked absent but we do not hear from you, you will receive a call from our automated messaging system. This system calls your phone, so it’s very important to call your child in or check your home messages. Remember this is for your child’s safety.

    Please respect the importance of consistent attendance. Please make all appointments after the school day ends. Your cooperation in all that is outlined below will be much appreciated.

    桃花社区视频 Hours: 8:15-2:40  

    There is no outside supervision for students, so please do not drop your child off prior to 8:00. Please respect the importance of consistent attendance. Please make all appointments after the school day ends. Your cooperation in all that is outlined below will be much appreciated.  

    Guidelines for Healthy Food Choices

    The 桃花社区视频 Board of Education adopted a new Wellness Policy after much study and collaboration with nutritional experts. This policy imposes stricter guidelines on the food provided as part of the school lunch program, but also on any food sold or distributed during the school day. This policy applies to any classroom celebrations, including birthday celebrations. The new requirement is that any food served during the school day must meet health guidelines. Please look for more information from your child’s teacher.


    Communication between home and school is vitally important to the success of every child.
    Please check your child’s Student Planner and/or backpack daily.

    We need your help in keeping our records accurate.
    Please be sure to keep the school informed anytime your home phone, work phone or cell phone number changes. We also need to be informed anytime your address changes. It is critical we know how to reach you in an emergency. Thank you for your help.

    Student Information Sheets

    Information on the Student Information Sheet is essential. The school must be able to reach you by phone should an emergency occur. Be sure to make arrangements with a neighbor or relative who would be available in case of an emergency dismissal. Please review, make changes and return this form as soon as possible.

    Hot Lunch and Milk Collection

    Procedures for collecting lunch and milk envelopes and prices are explained in the handouts you will receive. There will also be an application for Free and Reduced priced meals. Applications must be completed each year and should be returned as soon as possible. Breakfast is available from 8:00 - 8:15 in a "grab and go" format.  

    Afterschool procedures – Written notes

    If your child will be deviating from their normal after-school procedure, please send a note to the teacher that morning. We need a written note rather than a phone call to ensure that we are keeping your child safe by following your family plans. Please be sure your child is always picked up on time. Thank you!

    Breakfast Program

    We encourage families to have breakfast together at home. However, if a child needs breakfast, they may purchase a grab-and-go meal between 8:00 - 8:15 and bring it to eat in class.  Students who are tardy can still get a breakfast, but depending on classroom activities and teacher discretion, they may need to wait until snack time to eat it.  


    Morning Drop Off Procedures

    Cars will form a single line to drop off students behind the school. Cars will need to enter the back parking lot by way of the tennis court entrance. Please do not pass cars.
    If it is necessary for parents to park for any length of time, please park in the parking spaces to the east of the car loop and walk your child across the parking lot. No parking in the loop. Under no circumstances may cars be left running while unattended.
    Students who arrive after 8:10 a.m. will need to be signed in at the office. Parents must park their cars in order to escort their child inside.

    Students who are walking from Amherst Street must use the sidewalk and cross with the crossing guard on Amherst Street. All walkers need to use sidewalks and crosswalks as appropriate and proceed to the front of the building and enter at the main entrance.  They will not have supervision or access to enter until 8:00 AM. 

    Buses will enter the bus loop by way of Sargents Ave. at the driveway closest to Amherst Street.
    Bus students will enter through the front doors.  Cars will not be allowed in the front bus loop from 7:45-8:15.  

    Afternoon Pick-up Procedures

    Cars will turn into Holman Stadium parking lot by the tennis courts on Sargents Ave. Students will be lined up and dismissed to a parent in the car loop. Please remain in line until the car in front of you pulls up. Staff members will be outside to assist students.
    Buses will enter the bus loop by way of Sargents Ave. at the driveway closest to Amherst Street.
    Bus students will board their bus from the front doors.
    Cars will not be allowed in the front bus loop from 2:15-2:45. If you are late to pick up your child and need to get them from the office, please park your car in the Holman Stadium parking lot or on Sargents Ave.  There will be no parking in the loop except for our handicapped cars.  I ask for your cooperation in this matter.  
    Walkers will exit the building onto the playground.  

    Important Reminder – Please remember that there is absolutely NO SMOKING on school grounds. State Law prohibits anyone from smoking while on school grounds. We appreciate your cooperation.