About Fairgrounds Elementary 桃花社区视频

  • Fairgrounds Elementary 桃花社区视频 is one of 12 elementary schools in 桃花社区视频 and is located on Blanchard Street.


    Below is a list of frequently asked questions about Fairgrounds Elementary 桃花社区视频:

    How will my child receive school lunch and/or school breakfast?

    Lunch and Breakfast are paid in advance by the week or longer. Each student is assigned a computer number, which they keep throughout their school years. The computerized system keeps track of the credits available for any lunch or breakfast purchased. If a student has no lunch, the kitchen will provide an emergency lunch, and the student may bring in money the following day. A menu calendar, with both breakfast and lunch selections, is available on our school’s website.

    How do I receive a bus ticket if I am eligible?

    Bus Tickets - All students being transported by bus need a bus ticket. Bus tickets are mailed to individual students during the summer. Pickup times and locations are on the ticket. Keep tickets all year. Students may only ride their assigned bus. In emergency situations, requests for permission to ride another bus can only be granted by the Director of Transportation, Mr. Rauseo (603-966-1008).

    How will I be alerted to delayed openings?

    Delayed Openings – 桃花社区视频 delays are announced on WSMN-1590, WMVU-900 AM, WZID-95.7 FM and also on Channel 9 and Channel 12 Fox TV. Children should not be dropped off at school prior to 10:00 AM.

    What is the drop-off and pick-up procedure?

    Arrivals – For all normal school days, children should not be dropped off at school prior to 8:00 AM. There is no supervision prior to this time.  Students arriving between 8:00-8:14 AM may walk directly to their designated entrance. Class begins at 8:15 AM. All students who are tardy MUST CHECK IN AT THE OFFICE WITH A PARENT and receive an admit slip.

    Morning Drop Off- For the safety of our students, please adhere to the following guidelines when dropping your children off in the car lane:
    *Follow the guidance of the staff on duty. You will be directed to pull up as far as possible before letting your child out of the vehicle. Please wait to pull up as directed before allowing your child out of the car.
    * Do NOT park and get out of your car in the drop off lane.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    * Please park in a parking spot if you would like to walk your child to their designated entrance.

    Dismissal Time – 2:40 PM – Should your child be a carpool pick-up at the end of the day, vehicles must line up behind the 1st crosswalk to allow an exit route for buses.

    May I go directly to my child’s classroom?

    Visitors to our school: ALL ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK IN AT THE MAIN OFFICE. Parents are not allowed to go to their child’s classroom without prior approval from the principal or teacher. You will then need to sign in and get a Visitor’s Badge.

    If my child needs medication, what is the procedure?

    Medication – If your child needs to take prescription medication in school, state law requires a note from the doctor before the nurse can dispense any medication. A form must also be signed by you indicating the recommended dosage. Please do not send any medication in with your child for them to take on their own. Please call our school nurse if you have any questions. Required medication forms are available on the school website under the nurse’s department.

    Immunization – All children must be fully immunized. Please notify the nurse if immunization records need to be updated. Any child entering kindergarten or first grade must be fully immunized and have a physical before entering school. 

    Will my child have recess?

    Recess – All children will go out to recess, weather and conditions permitting, unless they have a note signed by a doctor. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. For recess, teachers are on duty outside. During lunch in the cafeteria and during lunch recess, monitors are on duty to supervise the children.

    Where is Lost and Found?

    Your child’s belongings – All clothing, boots, lunch boxes, backpacks, personal items, etc. should be marked with the child’s name. If your child loses something, please have them check lost and found (back of the cafeteria).

    May I distribute personal communications, such as invitations, through the school?

    Personal Communications – Please be aware of the school policy that students will NOT be permitted to distribute party invitations or other personal communications at school. This is in alignment with common practice throughout the 桃花社区视频 桃花社区视频 District.

    May I send in ‘treats’ to my child’s class?

    Healthy Foods -State legislation now requires that only healthy food choices be provided by school staff to students during the school day. This includes classroom celebrations. Historically, some parents like to send in birthday cupcakes but this is not permissible. Although not necessary in any way, should you ever wish to send in a food treat for the class, a helpful handout is provided under the nurse’s tab on our school website.

    How do I enroll my child in the before/after school program at FES?

    Before/After 桃花社区视频 Program – The Adult Learning Center runs the program at Fairgrounds Elementary 桃花社区视频. Please call (882-9080 Ext.212) for information, if interested.


    How do I report my child absent?

    If your child is going to be absent, please call the office (966-2220).  Outside of office hours, please leave a message on the answering machine.  

    Please know that our office staff is always available to answer any questions you may have.