
  • Welcome to the 桃花社区视频 Board of Education (BOE) page of the 桃花社区视频 桃花社区视频 District website. The Board's role is to fulfill the vision and mission of the 桃花社区视频 桃花社区视频 District by setting policy, approving curriculum and assessment materials and strategies, approving human resource decisions, negotiating union contracts, overseeing operations and finance decisions, and establishing the annual operating budget. The information and links provided on this page are designed to provide details of the Board's motions and actions at meetings.   

    The 桃花社区视频 Board of Education can be contacted at: boe@nashua.edu

    Note: Emails sent to the boe@nashua.edu email address are considered public correspondence with the Board under New Hampshire's Right-to-Know Law, RSA Chapter 91-A.  The email will be noted in the Board meeting minutes, and be accessible to members of the public; therefore, we caution writers of emails to be guarded about including student personal information, such as their names. 


    The Board consists of nine members who are each elected to four-year terms. Members serve city-wide and terms of office are offset such that either five or four positions are elected every two years. Since 2013, two high school representatives serve the Board. NHS North students and NHS South students vote each year to elect a student representative from each school to serve as non-voting members of the Board.  

    The 桃花社区视频 Board of Education meetings are generally held the second and last Monday of each month, according to an established schedule.

    The Board has five standing committees: Budget; Curriculum and Evaluation; Finance and Operations; Human Resources; and Policy, and members serve on two other Committees: Joint Special 桃花社区视频 Building Committee (JSSBC) and Education Council.   

    Keep in mind that the date of these meetings is subject to change because of holidays and members' availability. To confirm meeting schedule, please click on .

Standing Committee Chair Members Alternate
as needed during the budget season, which typically runs from January through May
Ms. Darling All Board members N/A
Curriculum and Evaluation
second Monday of the month
Mr. Claffey Ms. Giglio
Ms. Prinn
Ms. Daniels-Williams
Finance and Operations
second Tuesday of the month
Ms. Lamphier Mr. Claffey
Ms. Daniels-Williams
Ms. Prinn
Human Resources
Monday before the BOE meeting of the month
Ms. Giglio Mr. Johnson
Ms. Raymond
Ms. Darling
first Tuesday of the month
Ms. Raymond Ms. Darling
Ms. Lamphier
Mr. Johnson
Other Committees Members
Student Board Member Liaison Mr. Claffey and Ms. Darling
Education Council Ms. Bishop and Mr. Johnson
Joint Special Committees Chair Members
Joint Special 桃花社区视频 Building Committee (JSSBC) Alderman Dowd
Board of Aldermen (BOA)
BOE Members:
Ms. Bishop
Ms. Daniels-Williams
Ms. Giglio
Ms. Prinn
Ms. Raymond

NSD Administrators:
Mr. Donovan
Mr. Poska
Mr. Smith

BOA Members:
Mr. Dowd
Mr. Lopez
Mr. Sullivan
Ms. Timmons
Ms. Wilshire